Multidimensional Income Mobility:

an Introduction

Brett Mullins

Fiscal Research Center



  1. Mobility for Matrices
  2. Mobility for Arrays
  3. The Case of Noisy Data
  4. Develop Multidimensional Index
  5. Empirical Example: SNAP Enrollment

Mobility for Matrices

Contingency Tables

  • The primative representation of data for mobility
  • These data illustrate the single period case

Contingency Tables

  • The primative representation of data for mobility
  • These data illustrate the single period case
  • We may discretize income either into bins of a fixed width or into quantiles

Transition Matrices

  • Construct the count matrix by binning observations to the cartesian product of the ranks

Transition Matrices

  • Construct the count matrix by binning observations to the cartesian product of the ranks
  • Construct the unconditional transition matrix $M_u$ by dividing each cell by the total observations

Transition Matrices

  • Construct the count matrix by binning observations to the cartesian product of the ranks
  • Construct the unconditional transition matrix $M_u$ by dividing each cell by the total observations
  • Alternatively, the conditional transition matrix $M_c$ can be used to take advantage of stochatic properties

Mobility Indices

A mobility index is a function $m : \mathcal{M} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ that captures some facet of mobility for the sample
where $\mathcal{M}$ is the set of all transition matrices of a fixed size

Prais-Bibby Index

  • Let $n$ denote the number of ranks

  • $m_{PB}(M_c) = \left( \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - M_{cii})\sum_{j = 1}^N M_{uij} \right)$

  • Captures the probability that one moves from their initial rank

$m_{PB}(M_c) = 0.4$

Prais-Bibby Index

  • Let $n$ denote the number of ranks

  • $m_{PB}(M_c) = \left( \sum_{i = 1}^N (1 - M_{cii})\sum_{j = 1}^N M_{uij} \right)$

  • Captures the probability that one moves from their initial rank

  • Equivalent to one minus the sum of the diagonal of $M_u$

$m_{PB}(M_c) = 0.4$

Mobility Indices

  • $m_{PB}$ is an individualistic discrete index
  • An index is individualistic if each individual in the same makes a marginal contribution to the index
  • An index is discrete if it measures whether an individual experienced mobility rather than the magnitude of the mobility

Mobility for Arrays

Contingency Tables

Contingency Tables

Multidimensional Arrays

  • Analgous stucture to a transition matrix
  • For $N = 3$, the array can be visualized as a cube
  • Follows process of computing the count array, unconditional transition array, and conditional transition array

Indices for Multidimensional Arrays

  • We can generalize the Prais-Bibby Index to arbitrary arrays as follows: let $m_{PB}:\mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, where $\mathcal{A}$ is the set of square transition arrays
  • The function is defined as before where the trace or diagonal of the array is the set of cells that each share the same index on each dimension
  • Interpretation: one does not experience mobility if one is in the same rank at each observed time

The Case of Noisy Data

Noisy Data

  • Suppose income (earnings) is observed at Time 1 and Time 5
  • No mobility
  • Since individuals are not isolated, they face exogenous impacts to their income
  • Will this methodology lead to correct classification and wider inference to the population?
  • It is clearly too tolerant

Noisy Data

  • Obvious solution: use more data!
  • Mobility
  • This classification is too strict
  • The ideal index minimizes misclassification while being tolerant enough to be robust to small exogenous income changes

Multidimensional Indices

Mobility with Respect to What?

  • In multiperiod data, what rank do we evaluate mobility with respect to?
    • Let $R_i$ denote this reference rank for individual $i$
    • Unless there is an apriori reason to prefer a rank, use the mode
    • Example: Look at individuals who joined a program thought to affect earnings at year $t$. Then $t$ ought to the be year we talk about mobility in reference to


  • Let $\alpha$ be the tolerance parameter and $r_{it}$ be the rank of individual $i$ at time $t$
  • An individual experiences mobility if $\sum_{t=1}^{N} |r_{it} - R_i| > \alpha$
  • Geometrically, this is a distance to the diagonal and we can think of the set of ranks $D_\alpha = \{ r_i \mid \sum_{t=1}^{N} |r_{it} - R_i| \leq \alpha \} $ as the generalized diagonal
  • Observe that the Prais-Bibby Index for arrays assumes $\alpha = 0$

Generalized Diagonal Index

  • Define the Generalized Diagonal index as follows: $$m_{gd}(M_{u}) = 1 - \left( \sum_{p \in D_\alpha(M_{u})} p \right)$$
  • Interpretation: probability that one is not on the Generalized Diagonal at tolerance $\alpha$

Setting Tolerance Threshold

  1. $\alpha < \frac{N}{2}$
    • If one does not experience mobility, then one should be in the reference rank for a majority of the observations
  2. $\alpha$ is non-decreasing in $N$
    • As the number of observed times increases, the tolerance threshold should never decrease


  • Noisy data is problematic for multiperiod mobility measurement
  • Developed the notion of tolerance to generalize the Prais-Bibby index on arrays

Empirical Analysis


  • Earnings data for enrollees in SNAP in Georgia during 2004
  • Date range: 2004-2014
  • Obtained by merging SNAP enrollment data to DOL annual wage data


  • From 2006 to 2013, the Prais-Bibby index appears relatively stable
  • By selecting any of these years, one may conclude that approx. 68% of the cohort experiences mobility
  • This potentially includes misclassifications (additionally due to data quality issues)


  • The PB Index for arrays suggests that the PB index alone underestimates mobility
  • However, it likely overestimates mobility
  • The GD Index finds a middle ground
  • PB Index for Arrays: to 2009
  • 0.79
  • PB Index for Arrays: to 2014
  • 0.81
  • GD Index: to 2009
  • 0.77
  • GD Index: to 2014
  • 0.75


  • Noisy data is problematic for multiperiod mobility measurement
  • Developed the notion of tolerance to generalize the Prais-Bibby index on arrays
  • Observed improvements in inferring the mobility of a population of SNAP recipients

Future Directions

  • Explore the Generalized Diagonal index from the perspective of contingency tables
  • Consider which sets of mobility axioms are satisfied by the Generalized Diagonal index
  • Derive statistical properties of the Generalized Diagonal Index
